The basic definition of a video conference is essentially a group call that is made online via video. With the development of video conference applications like Zoom and Google Meet, it’s very straightforward for teams to interact and collaborate together, even while working remotely from each other. Instead of paying expensive call rates, free video conferencing software has become the go-to solution and it may even become the preferred way to communicating long after the pandemic is over. Moreover, this has even become the preferred way for marketers and agents to communicate with clients and customers as well, so businesses have become largely dependent on these types of calls.
However, there are challenges that come with organizing video conference calls and we will mention them in the article below. But first, you must be confident that you have the right equipment to make the call in the first place. Here are four main tools that you need for a successful video conference call.
#1. Built-in Webcam
Almost all laptops and desktops come pre-installed with their own cameras. However, in the event that your built-in camera is damaged or not responding properly, then your best bet is to use an external camera by connecting your Mac to one through a usb c to usb hub. These devices will expand the number ports in your computer, allowing you to connect a whole host of other peripherals, like the ones below.
#2. Microphone
You will also need a working microphone to ensure that everyone on the call is actually able to hear you properly. Much like the cameras, most laptops and desktop all have built-in microphones as well, but sometimes the quality may not be that great. Alternatively, you can invest in some bluetooth/wired earphones/headphones with should also come with their own built-in mics. However, you should keep in mind that when participating in large videoconference calls, it’s always best to invest in an omni-directional microphone for the best possible audio quality. In which case, you should ensure that you have enough ports to connect it into and the best way to guarantee that is to get the best usb-c hub in the market.
#3. Internet
It is extremely important that you ensure your internet connection is stable and dependable. You can ensure that your conference call goes smoothly without interruption by utilizing a high speed internet connection that can transmit all the data while on the call. Yo need to ensure that your WiFi speed is up to par and if it isn’t, call your provider to fix the issue.
#4. Software
The good thing about the increase of video-conference calls is the there has been a rise in new software apps to help cater to the huge demand and they all offer a variety of pricing plans, which free options to boot. However, if you need something for your team to use, the premium options will usually come with an extensive array of features that are usually very useful.
For instance, some offer recording capabilities, which means you can save the call and rewatch it again, especially if you were watching an educational webinar, for instance. However, you may find that you need extra space on your computer to store these files as they can be quite large in size. Alternatively, you can always store these files on an external storage drive like an SD Card, instead. In which case, you will need to purchase a usb-c sd card reader to help facilitate the file transfers, since most Macs don’t have SD Card ports anymore.
Main Challenges Of Video Conferencing
#1. User Issues
This is a pretty common problem with many users, especially when they are new to the process and are not yet familiar with the applications that they are using. In some instances, users may even decide to forego using the system completely because of the unfamiliarity. As such, it is always best to take the time to let your team members get familiar with the application before performing a proper live session.
#2. Network Issues
As mentioned before, one of the biggest stressors to any video call is an unstable internet connection. This is often caused by insufficient bandwidth which can often result in poor video and audio quality, frozen screens, audio delays, low video quality etc. You can often avoid such problems by making sure there isn’t anything consuming majority of your data while on the call. If there are people in the house who enjoy playing games online or watching/downloading movies, tell them to avoid doing so while you re on the call to prevent a poor videoconferencing session.
Alternatively, it is often recommended that you plug into a wired internet connection over a wireless one for better stability and to avoid signal interruptions. However, since most laptops nowadays don’t come with an ethernet port, you can always connect to a router using a usb-ethernet adapter instead.