What Are The Symptoms Of A Faulty Mac Battery?

What Are The Symptoms Of A Faulty Mac Battery?

If you recently purchased yourself a new MacBook, then you must know it is important to keep it healthy and functioning properly, so that the investment you made can last you a very long time to come. However, there may come a point after a few years of use when your Mac’s battery starts to drain much more quickly than it used. This in turn tends to affect your productivity, as you won’t be a able to spend as much time as you used to working.As such, there are a few signs that you should watch out for and a few tips that we can suggest to help keep your battery functioning properly for longer.


Signs Of A Bad Battery

#1, Battery Service Warning

This one’s is possibly the most obvious sign that you Mac has issues. When you click on the battery icon on the menu bar, you should be able to see the state of its condition. In most cases, if it is worn out, there are three conditions that you need to watch out for:

•“Replace Soon,”
•“Replace Now,”
•“Service Battery,”.

If either one of these three warnings pops up, then you should start looking for a replacement battery. You can try to avoid making the problem worse and draining your battery so much, by using an alternative computer or device like an iPad, for some of the less-important work. This will help you minimize the battery’s deterioration, alt least until you are able to replace the battery with a new one. You can also purchase an ipad pro docking station to position your iPad on your desk better, which should improve your working experience better and increase your productivity flow as well!

#2. Battery Drains Fast

If you have found that the time spent using your laptop while it is not plugged in has grown shorter that it used to be, then you may have a battery problem. Some users will often charge their batteries once it hits about 50%, but others prefer to use it until it drains down to even 10%. If you are one of those few who prefers to do that, then you will need a new battery otherwise you will have to keep plugging in your Mac after every 2-3 hours.

#3. Unexpected Shutdowns

If your laptop has been experiencing random shutdowns lately, then that is one of the most obvious indicators that you have a power issue. If this tends to be a regular occurrence, especially if it happens even after you have recently charged it, then it’s more than likely being caused by a faulty battery . However, keep in mind that a MacBook can end up shutting itself down, if it is overheating a lot too. You can test to see f the problem really is battery-related by leaving your Mac connected to the power source and seeing if the shutdowns keep happening. If they don’t then it’s most likely the battery.

#4. Overheating

If your MacBook has recently started overheating of late, then there are often a number of hardware or software problems that may be causing that to happen. In most cases, you can often minimize overheating by not opening too many apps at once, as well as ensuring your Mac has proper ventilation. In fact, we suggest using a desk riser for laptop, as it will raise your laptop from your desk giving it sufficient airflow to breathe. However, if you find that your Mac is overheating, even while you are working on simple everyday tasks, then that could be a big sign that your battery needs replacing.

How To Keep Your Battery In Good Shape

#1.Avoid Connecting Too Many Devices

One of the best ways to avoid wearing down your Mac so fast is to make sure that you stop connecting too many peripherals to your Mac at once. This includes, webcams, external storage devices, phones, etc. When you connect them all directly, this drains your Mac’s battery much faster, which over the long term will affect its capacity to retain charge better. We suggest using a multiple usb c hub instead to help you connect multiple devices at once, as it won’t consume too much power at once.

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#2. Activate battery saving mode

This is an excellent way to ensure that your battery’s power management is being used correctly. You can head to System Preferences > Energy Saver and configure the appropriate settings to keep your Mac’s battery consumption rate at a good level, especially when you are not plugged in to a power source.

#3. Avoid keeping the laptop plugged in

One of the fastest ways to deteriorate a battery’s health is to keep a laptop constantly plugged in to the charger. Many technical experts state that keeping your Mac plugged in all the time can significantly drain performance. Plus, it is not necessary that you always keep the battery charged to full capacity, either.

#4. Reduce Screen Brightness

Another important tip to help conserve battery health is to avoid using maximum screen brightness all the time. This is because keeping your screen at high output, drain the battery much faster, which can lead to poor health the longer yo continue to do this. You can make use of the power saver settings and keep your

Alternatively, you if you need high screen brightness for an extended period of time, you can always make use of the best usb c docking station and connect your Mac to an external screen/monitor/TV instead!



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