How to Fix A Mac That Boots Up Slowly
Machines are not that much different from humans in the sense that they also tend to age. As such, it shouldn’t really come as much of a surprise if your five year old Mac starts to perform much slower than it used to. In fact, it is usually around this time that many users often end up needing to purchase a usb-c to usb-c hub, as they often find themselves needing to use a number of external devices like monitors, keyboards, or mouse to help improve performance and provide a better user experience. However, there are a few other things that you can do to help your Mac perform better and boot up faster.

#1. Upgrade to an SSD drive.
If you happen to have an older generation Mac, chances are your hard drive is now outdated in which case, the best thing you can do to help speed it up is to upgrade it to an SSD drive. These drives are the best choice because they don’ come with any moving parts, so you don’t have to deal with the noise that a regular hard drive will often make. Moreover, it helps improve performance and this also means faster start ups. However, if you have one the newer-generation of Macs then it probably already has a built-in SSD drive already.
#2. Remove Login Items
There are times when you may have noticed that upon booting up your Mac, there are a number of applications that open automatically. These are called LogIn Items that can often be very useful, in terms of opening your workspace in a hurry. However, the problem is that there are times when this could end up slowing down the boot up phase considerably because there are either too many Login Items to open or the programs are too dense. In this respect, you can delete some of the Login Items to help improve boot up speed. You can also try transferring some of these apps to an external storage drive to help improve performance. You can make use of one of the best usb c hub for macbook pro to help you do this by keeping the storage drive plugged in to avoid having to keep reconnecting them each time.
#3. Clear memory space
This is one of the main things that always causes a slow-performing laptop. When the hard-disk is full of memory, this often makes your Mac struggle to keep programs and applications open and working optimally. In this respect you need to try and free up extra memory by either transferring these files to an external storage space like an SD Card using a micro sd card usb adapter or deleting any unnecessary files. This should significantly improve your Mac’s performance and make it boot much faster.
There may also be a ton of hidden files and cache files that may have built-up in your system over time. These can often be very difficult to get rid of so the best thing to do is to download a clean-up tool like CleanMyMacX which should help get rid of these files safely from your system, without much difficulty. However, do keep in mind that such cleanup apps often require to be paid for, so make sure you are prepared to pay for the premium plans.
#4. Organize your desktop.
Having an overly-cluttered desktop space can often lead to a slow performing Mac because every time your system starts up it has to load each and every single desktop icon that is on your desktop. In other words, the more icons you have present on your desktop, the slower your Mac will boot up. As such, it is always recommended that you ensure that your desktop stays well organized and that you limit the number of icons and shortcuts you have on your desktop.
#5. Increase your memory.
As we stated, a lack of memory can often affect how fast your Mac behaves and responds. However, there may be times when even after clearing any unnecessary files, the storage is still too high. In such cases, you may want to upgrade your memory capacity by using external storage drives instead. You can use those to dump any excess files that you work on in the future, which should keep your Mac functioning at a sub-optimum level, at least. Alternatively, you can also use other storage methods like cloud storage or even use network-attached storage instead. However, this method will require connecting to a computer network to retain access to these files, in which case you will need to purchase a usb-ethernet adapter.
In the worst case scenario, if none of these suggestions work, then your best bet is to simply replace your Mac with a new one. After all, there is always a limit to how long these devices can last, so if you find that you cannot afford a brand new Mac, then you can always consider investing in a refurbished Mac instead. It will be significantly cheaper and should work just as well as a brand new Mac, just make sure you purchase it from Apple or an authorised dealer.