6 Cool Things That You Can Do Using Mac

6 Cool Things That You Can Do Using Mac

Macs may not be the most dominant force in the computer industry but they are rated as the highest quality computers you can buy today. The reason for that being that they are highly functional, reliable and offer a quality user-experience that PCs cannot match. Besides this, there are so many awesome things that you can do on Mac that cannot be easily replicated on other computers.


In this convenient list, we are going to give you some useful productivity tips, and a number of fun tricks that you may not have realized that you can do with your new laptop. But before we get started, if you recently purchased a new MacBook it would be an understatement to say that you need to purchase a macbook leather sleeve as soon as possible. After all, you don’t want to end up damaging your Mac in only a short amount of time because you didn’t take extra precautions!



So, without further ado, let’s get started, shall we?!


#1. Locate Apps with Ease


One of the most convenient features of Macs is the fact that it is so easy to locate and access applications. All you need to do is access the Launchpad and type out the name of the application you want to access and voila! Unlike most other computer systems that can often have you searching aimlessly among file windows, with the Launchpad, app browsing has never been more convenient.


#2. Encrypt Folders


Privacy is one of the most important things to consider, especially if you are constantly browsing the internet. After al, there is always a risk that hackers to gain access to your system and attempt to access the data stored on your laptop. However, the befit of Mac’s is that the OS comes with a built in file encryption software that ensures your files remain sealed off and protected from prying eyes. All you need to do is head to the Disk Utility program and from there you can create a folder with your choice of encryption method.


From there, you should be able to store all your sensitive files and data easily, instead of having to encrypt them by downloading a third-party software app or using a basic zip tool. Moreover, you will be able to easily transfer that folder to other devices conveniently using a usb-c to usb hub without worrying about someone accessing your data illegally.


#3. Use Speech Recognition


If you’re looking for a smart and creative way to get your work done faster, you then the macOS speech recognition system is the perfect solution for you! This handy little accessibility feature will allow you to use various commands on your Mac without having to type anything. You only need to head to System Preferences > Accessibility > Speakable Items. From there, you should be able to easily program certain words or phrases to correspond with specific actions on your Mac.


#4. Edit PDFs Easily


PDFs can be very useful document formats but also the most frustrating ones to work with sometimes. In most cases, if you need to edit one of these files, you will need to make use some sort of third-party tool or converter. However, the benefit of using a Mac is that you can easily edit PDF files using the built-in Preview app. In fact, it’s so convenient that you can even add your signature to the PDF file while using it. All you need to do is hold up a picture of it to your camera and it will be added!


#5. Easy Multi-tasking With Open Apps


Another useful feature of the macOS system is the fact that it does well to cater to multitaskers in the best of ways. Using the touchpad, you can easily swipe between any open applications and windows quite easily. All you need is to maximise the windows on the Finder. Then place three fingers on your trackpad to swipe left and right to access your desktop and other open apps and files. You can also swipe up and down with three fingers to get a good view of all open applications and windows. This is an especially useful feature if you tend to connect your Mac to external screens using a thunderbolt 2 to displayport, for example. You can easily swipe between music apps, photo editing apps, browser windows, all at once. This means that your productivity can not only double, but even triple in size!


#6. Texting and Picking Up Calls Using Mac


One of the benefits of owning both an iPhone and Mac is that you can easily sync all your texts and calls between devices very easily without even needing use a surface pro hub to facilitate a wired connection between devices. However, you’d be surprised to learn that not many Mac users even know about this feature.


You can easily activate it by making sure that your Mac is setup using the same email you used to setup your iPhone and create your Apple ID account, that’s it! You should now automatically be able to receive and send out calls and texts directly from your Mac. This way even if your iPhone is in the other room, you can continue to have conversations without having to move an inch!


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